- BOO BOO BYE BYE: Teach your little ones how to say bye bye to boo boos with CoComelon’s Deluxe Boo Boo JJ!.Ideal for ages:2 years and up
- LIGHT & SOUNDS: JJ’s head, elbow, knee or foot light up when hurt, and JJ will let you know!
- BANDAGE CASE: JJ comes with a Bandage Case with 3 fun bandages! Simply place them over the boo boo!
- CHECK-UP BAG: Check JJ’s temperature with the thermometer, listen to his heart with the stethoscope, or give him a shot with the syringe, all found in the Check-up Bag!
- SING ALONG: Press his tummy and JJ will sing a clip of “The Boo Boo Song”!
Boo Boo Bye Bye!
Say bye bye to JJ’s boo boos with the CoComelon Deluxe Boo Boo JJ doll! JJ tells you when he’s hurt!
Lights and Sounds
With the CoComelon Deluxe Boo Boo JJ Plush, JJ will show you where he’s hurt, whether it’s on his head, elbow, knee, or foot. These areas will light up so that your child can quickly come to the rescue, Bandage Case in tow!
Bandage Case and Check-up Bag
The Bandage Case has three CoComelon-themed bandages. When JJ starts to cry, cure the boo boo by gently applying a bandage over the lit-up area. If JJ needs additional help, check out the check-up bag for the thermometer, stethoscope, and syringe.

Sing Along
When he’s all healed, JJ will giggle or go “Wee” and say “Yay! My boo boo is gone!” among other fun phrases and sounds. The Deluxe Boo Boo JJ Plush also plays a clip of ‘The Boo Boo Song’ when you press his tummy!